2012 Kazakhstan National Household Health Survey

Assignment name:
Kazakhstan National Household Health Survey
Value of the contract: US$ 740,000
Location within country: Entire country
Duration of the assignment: 9 month
Name of Client: Ministry of Health Republic of Kazakhstan
The World Bank
Total No of staff-months of the assignment: 45
Address: 010000, Left bank of Ishim river, House of Ministries, 5th entrance, Astana, Republic of Value of the services provided under the contract: US$ 640,000
Start date: July 2011
Completion date: December 2012
No of professional staff-months provided by associated Consultants: none
Name of associated Consultants, if any:
Staff involved in the project:
Project Director: Dr. Akkumis Salkhanova
Medical Consultant: Dr.Dana Sharman
Narrative description of the project:
The purpose of Kazakhstan National Household Health Survey is to provide data to strengthen evidence base for policy making and management responses based on information on health status, utilization, payments, behaviors, attitudes, measurements of blood pressure and other biometrics and to provide valuable insights into how households interact with the health system and how they perceive issues of critical importance to public health.
Description of actual services provided within the assignment:
Adapt the standard World Bank’s survey instrument /questionnaire; conduct pre-pilot and finalize the survey instrument; develop the sampling strategy; implement the survey; enter and clean the survey data in a database; and conduct data analysis and prepare a survey report
Almaz Sharman, President, Academy of Preventive Medicine
Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 66 Klochkov st, office 601
+7 (727) 317-8855