Electronic Mapping of Health and Education Facilities of Kyzylorda Oblast of Kazakhstan

Assignment name:
Electronic mapping of health and education facilities of Kyzylorda oblast of Kazakhstan
Value of the contract: US $ 309,524
Location within country: Kyzylorda oblast
Duration of the assignment: 10 month
Name of Client: Akimat of Kyzylorda oblast Total No of staff-months of the assignment: 35
Address: Value of the services provided under the contract: US$ 309,524
Start date: March 2007
Completion date: December 2007
No of professional staff-months provided by associated Consultants: none
Name of associated Consultants, if any:
Staff involved in the project:
Project Director: Akkumis Salkhanova
Coordinator: Talgat Sultanov
Medical Consultant: Dana Sharman
IT Manager: Igor Ivanov
Fieldwork Coordinator: Alexander Korotkov
Narrative description of the project:
In Kyzyl-Orda oblast of the Academy of Preventive Medicine has developed a comprehensive health map by integrating GIS information and statistical data on all healthcare facilities (census of healthcare facilities). Such approach provides important tools for regional healthcare administrators, enabling them to better analyze spatial relationships between different factors affecting health of populations residing in the region, to determine the needs for additional resources and to identify challenges and barriers affecting implementation of healthcare programs.
Description of actual services provided within the assignment:
Development of a strategy and concept design for healthmapping of a geographic and administrative region: working with the local government on benchmarks and parameters for the data collection
Development of methodology for healthmapping: selection of electronic platform (MapInfo, GoogleEarth, ArcView), designing survey instruments (questionnaire) for collection of health, demographic, economic and other types of data; designing a system for integration of data with geographic coordinates
Organizing fieldwork for data collection at healthcare facilities, schools and other facilities; establishing a database for integration with geographic coordinates
Developing 3-d images of healthcare facilities and integration of 3-d objects into the health maps
Design methodology for analysis of statistical, epidemiology data, information on staffing, availability of medical equipment, clinical guidelines, textbooks and computers. Integration of such data into health maps.
Training healthcare administrators and local staff how to use health maps and analyze statistical and epidemiological data in order to effectively plan and administer healthcare resources
Almaz Sharman, President, Academy of Preventive Medicine
Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 66 Klochkov st, office 601
+7 (727) 317-8855